Project Description

Arizona Tree Frog

Ghost Story (Dendrophylax lindenii, Cocytius antaeus, Pachylia ficus)

Amanda Riley

The Ghost Orchid, Dendrophylax lindenii, resides in the wetlands of South Florida and Cuba. Rare and elusive, the orchid is difficult to study in the wild. Scientists used to believe the sole pollinator of the orchid was the Giant Sphinx (Cocytius antaeus, bottom left), as it was reasoned the only moth whose proboscis matched the length of the Ghost’s distinctive plunging nectary. In 2018, however, scientists were able to document not only the Giant Sphinx feeding from the Ghost, but other Sphingid moths visiting as well, including the Fig Sphinx (Pachylia ficus, top right). In fact, it appeared that while feeding, the Giant Sphinx’s proboscis was long enough to extract nectar without exchanging pollen. It is therefore likely that the Fig Sphinx and other Sphingid moths play a more crucial role in pollinating this endangered and enchanting flower.