Kylie Kathleen

My curiosity for the natural world was stoked by an immersive field course in college during which I observed, sketched, and studied the diverse ecosystems throughout California. I discovered that I learn best when dirt, sand, and rock are beneath my feet. This course fueled my desire to become a lifelong student of natural history, and to use my art as a tool for sharing information about the natural world with others. In my quest for knowledge, I’ve worked as a field tech helping to protect California Condors, led hundreds of students and adults in experiential learning on land and water, and taught others about how to use field sketching as a tool for learning and connecting with nature. Through these various positions as a science communicator and educator, I’ve seen how valuable a personal connection to nature is for people in an ever-disconnected world. I aim to create art that can help nature be more accessible and help to foster a connection between people and the world around us.

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